So as I sit here writing this I am watching the snow fall outside. Crazy considering it is the second day of Spring. As a kid I never could really understand why so many adults disliked the winter let alone snow!!  Snow was magical, sometimes even leading to that special radio announcement, ” All Philadelphia Public and Parochial Schools are Closed”. There were few things better as a kid than a SNOW DAY. That free day off, unplanned, a true gift from above. It provided an opportunity to toss aside our responsibilities and just have fun. It was an opportunity to hang with your friends and maybe even make a few bucks shoveling.

Fast forward a few years, and the potential for snow means decision making for many of us. Should I cancel my client appointments (knowing that the weather reports will cause mass hysteria and cancellations anyway), Who is going to watch the kids if they’re out of school, Ugh I have to shovel, and for free! The magic of a snow day can become so easily lost. For myself, I was going through these ruminations a few weeks ago when Nor’Easter Number 2 (I remember when it was just called a snow storm) came along creating the hassle of snow in an adult world. Having cancelled all my clients the day before I woke up to find the ground dry, feeling like I was duped. Luckily the snow picked up and I was able to justify staying home. My thoughts immediately bolted to all that I should accomplish that day for it not to be a complete waste. As we know, there is always work to be done. In a certain way it kind of made me sad knowing that I would not get to enjoy this snow day. My wife and daughter had planned to bake together which in my mind would not include me. Responsibility required accomplishments!

For those of you who watch This Is US, we know it may be one of the greatest shows ever. Our family had lagged behind a few episodes and I agreed that I would watch a few episodes before heading into my home office. The premise of the show involves the death of the family’s beloved husband and father Jack, and the opportunities that were enjoyed when he was alive. The particular episode I watched that day flashed back to the family baking together before Jack’s death, enjoying the moment. It triggered me.

What is life really about if you can’t even enjoy a snow day? What is the real definition of “accomplishment”? I immediately knew that the importance of a snow day had not changed. A snow day is to be respected for what it is, a true gift. A snow day doesn’t come too often and should not be taken for granted! I baked that day with my wife and daughter! I played in the snow! Of course I also shoveled, for free! More than anything, I accomplished something that had been missing, I made a snow day magical again.

Today I watch the snow falling outside, ruminating about what to wear when I go outside to play and whether or not I’ll be having my hot chocolate with or without marshmallows. What a great accomplishment!!